Seat Belt Work In Car And Airplane Different Between Airplane Seat Belt And Car Seat Belt

Seat Belt Work In Car And Airplane Different Between Airplane Seat Belt And Car Seat Belt

Seat Belts in Cars Vs Airplanes: You know that whenever you travel in a car on the road, it is very important to wear a seat belt from the point of view of your safety. Strict laws have also been made for this. If you do not follow them then you can be fined. But, if you have traveled in both car and aeroplane, then you would know that it is very important to wear seat belt in both car and aeroplane. Seat belt can help a lot in saving your life during any untoward incident.

However, people are often seen being careless about seat belts. It is often seen that people do not consider it necessary to wear seat belts while traveling in a car and walk on the road taking the risk of putting their lives in danger at the time of an accident. This is a matter of car, similarly it is very important to wear seat belt in plane also. However, both these seat belts are slightly different from each other. The work of both is different. Let us understand the difference between these two today.

How is the seat belt worn?

First let’s understand which seat belt is worn and how. The seat belt in the car comes from the top of our shoulder and is attached to the side hook. Whereas, in an airplane, the seat belt is brought from above the waist and placed in the side hook. Let us know why the seat belt of the plane is different from the car.

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plane seat belt work

In airplanes, the seat belt on the seat is brought from above the waist and put on the side. This happens because the plane moves up and down in the air during turbulence. In such a situation, this waist belt helps you to stay at one place on the seat. The second reason for this is that more space is needed between the seats to install shoulder seat belts and there is not enough space in the seats of the plane. Simply put, the job of the seat belt of the plane is to hold you at one place on the seat.

seat belt in car

In the car, we put the seat belt on the side by bringing it over the shoulders. An accident that happens while driving in a car is more impactful. When a car gets hit during an accident, a person gets pushed forward. In such a situation, the shoulder seat belt prevents the person from going forward in case of a jolt. This reduces the chances of injury to the person sitting in the car to some extent. Shoulder seat belt protects the person from falling out of the windshield of the car in case of a sudden jerk in the car. The seat belt of the car is mainly used to keep the person sitting on the seat tied to the seat.

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